CONFLICTED OR BRAIN FOG? by Lu Sobredo It had to happen in February In the shortest month of the year When the weather does its best imitation Of indecisive magician. It’s winter coat weather at night And early morn Yet the afternoon sun beats on the skin With a vengeance for a short spell To announce spring is coming. Fickleness surrounds fragility. And in my head, fog floats in. But unlike the iconic fog Over the Golden Gate Bridge, A photographer’s dream shot, My brain fog is my personal nightmare. Not to be mistaken for dementia, thank God But disturbing, nonetheless, Making one forget to connect to virtual meetings Or take daily anti-inflammatory dosage of pills. Yes, my loyal health conscientious friends, I eat and drink anti-inflammatory food routinely To help me as well. Naturally. Ah, but the numbing pain later in the day, a potent reminder that natural treatment is not enough. A reminder of what I had forgotten. But wait, did I forget? How would I know ...

Lu Travels Abroad is a Blog that celebrates travel. Inspired by family despite a chronic illness, I travel to feed the soul. When physical travel is not possible like in the time of pandemic, I travel with my mind's eye and surrender to the creative and the Divine. As the pandemic eases, I travel the world again. And I did as of Fall 2021 and again in 2023 and 2024...And will continue as long as I can pull it off physically, financially and emotionally.