Before the End Draws Near by Lu Sobredo Only four days ago on Sunday, June 20, 2021, my best friend and literary sidekick wrote this in a message: " Sis, one of the best ways to rest after completing a first novel is to write a poem--or two---or three---or so I've been told---besides restless spirits never listen to our entreaties for rest and calm. No matter how humble or earnest they may be . . . much love to you . . . " My friend and brother Ken Miller sometimes knows me better than I know myself. And here I am, on Thursday, June 24, 2021, having finished writing a poem that would not leave me alone, stunned about what else is left unsaid. It's only fitting that I dedicate this poem to him, and to the shared paths of our common journey. Before the End Draws Near “To be or not to be” was not a question I entertained upon waking. For years such question was comforting only when illuminated in a play by Shakespeare, from a soliloquy I could parrot since age ten ye...

Lu Travels Abroad is a Blog that celebrates travel. Inspired by family despite a chronic illness, I travel to feed the soul. When physical travel is not possible like in the time of pandemic, I travel with my mind's eye and surrender to the creative and the Divine. As the pandemic eases, I travel the world again. And I did as of Fall 2021 and again in 2023 and 2024...And will continue as long as I can pull it off physically, financially and emotionally.