By Lu Sobredo It's not too late to fill your backpack and get ready to go on the Camino de Santiago in Spain this year, 2017. I recently wrote a Two-Part Series essay about our family Camino experience in 2010, and the solo Camino my husband took in 2013. Walking the Camino: Pilgrimage on My Terms (Parts 1 & 2). Part II of the essay is full of practical lessons learned useful for anyone new to the Camino, I decided to repost on its own. I hope that you can benefit from the ups and downs of mostly a meaningful experience of going on the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage. Happy hiking! As an introduction to Part II of the essay, I included the ending paragraph from Part I: What did the Camino mean to me? Whether the Camino was a catalyst or affirmation of personal growth, I'm not entirely sure. Important were lessons learned from the journey. Lessons of living in the moment, transcending perceived limitations and fears, trusting in the kindness of others ...

Lu Travels Abroad is a Blog that celebrates travel. Inspired by family despite a chronic illness, I travel to feed the soul. When physical travel is not possible like in the time of pandemic, I travel with my mind's eye and surrender to the creative and the Divine. As the pandemic eases, I travel the world again. And I did as of Fall 2021 and again in 2023 and 2024...And will continue as long as I can pull it off physically, financially and emotionally.