POEM #10 INTRODUCTION By midday, a poem was brewing. I felt it in my bones. It strummed the soul. No pun intended, but the surge of images and rhythms appeared just as coffee was literally brewing. I sat at table at home with my beloved sipping French Roast Coffee, richly aromatic, an ideal pairing with bites of enseymada , tasty Philippine brioche shipped overnight from Southern California. Our little luxury for this period of social distancing and staying at home for the sake of public safety during the corona virus pandemic. At first, I thought the words forming were about mental travel, travels in my mind, perhaps another rant about the useless Dear Supreme Leader. But no. I felt the passion, heard the music and a clear conscience standing up for the underserved. I would never have predicted where the poetry muse would take me. I even thought of my husband’s favorite photographer, Sebastiāo Salgado from Brazil. Once a World Bank economist, he aba...

Lu Travels Abroad is a Blog that celebrates travel. Inspired by family despite a chronic illness, I travel to feed the soul. When physical travel is not possible like in the time of pandemic, I travel with my mind's eye and surrender to the creative and the Divine. As the pandemic eases, I travel the world again. And I did as of Fall 2021 and again in 2023 and 2024...And will continue as long as I can pull it off physically, financially and emotionally.