POEM #8 INTRODUCTION I fell asleep in defiance of my muse. But my muse was determined for me to finish the verses it planted in my head way before midnight. By 2:00 o’clock in the early morning, my protest fell on deaf ears. I stayed awake until 5 a.m. as my muse was restless. Read to see how the verses traveled through a winding path. Even I don’t know how this poem would wind up. I chose a photo taken when our family hiked the Camino de Santiago across Spain in 2010. The trails were varied. Flat plains, valleys, steep hills; muddy and rocky, straight and winding paths became additionally challenging when natural elements such as rain, hail, snow and scorching sun took turns to fight for dominion over land. The adventure symbolizes the current dichotomy between me and my visiting muse; and in more severe terms, the unsettling dissonance between earthly beings and threats from the pandemic. Sadly, our adopted beloved country of Spain is in a dire...

Lu Travels Abroad is a Blog that celebrates travel. Inspired by family despite a chronic illness, I travel to feed the soul. When physical travel is not possible like in the time of pandemic, I travel with my mind's eye and surrender to the creative and the Divine. As the pandemic eases, I travel the world again. And I did as of Fall 2021 and again in 2023 and 2024...And will continue as long as I can pull it off physically, financially and emotionally.